Kyler is 3 stats/update

I've got a three year old!  How did that happen????

I had to reschedule Kyler's 3 year doctor checkup since I was sick when we were supposed to go!  So we finally got in there to see what a big, growing, and healthy boy he is!

He was 39 pounds (96th percentile) and was 39 1/2 inches tall (90th percentile).  So his BMI is good!  And he got his blood pressure taken for the first time and they said it was good!

And the best news for Kyler from appointment was that he was up to date on all his vaccines and didn't need a shot!  That made him happy as he was pretty nervous about that part! :)

Kyler has really grown and come out of his shell this past year.  He is much more talkative and much more smiley than he used to be.  I think a big part of his growth stems from Grace being in school and him being forced to come into his own instead of hiding behind his sister's big personality.

Kyler is such a sweet, amazing little boy.  He has started to love reading and has finally learned his colors!  NOW the big thing will be potty training.  He is ADAMANT about not wanting to do it so I hope he changes his mind soon so we can be done with his diapers!


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