
Satan is on the prowl.  He is devouring us and loving it.  I feel his presence so strongly.  Maybe it's because I've been growing lately in my walk with God.  How he hates that.

My poor little girl is so sick and can't seem to get better.  I know in time health will return.  It exhausts me watching her in pain and not being able to do a thing to help.

Worry has invaded my life.  I do my best to pray through it but it is like an innate part of my being that can't be separated from my overall personality.

 My distrust of people is increasing.  I am tired of being hurt by people I trust.  I am tired of people taking every.single.thing I say personally or out of context and either whining about it or lashing out at me.

I am tired of people not honoring their word.  When someone says they will do something I foolishly expect them to do it and am always disappointed when they don't follow through.

Then I wonder, maybe it's not everyone else.  Maybe these are actually the qualities I am holding that I dislike and need to change about myself.

Satan is prowling.  Please know it's true and he's out to kill us.  I feel him and know he won't stop.  I need to do more to protect myself.  I think staying away from the most drama filled place I can think of is a great place for me to start, or at least limit my activity greatly.  And that place is Facebook.  I see more trouble with that place and it creates/fosters so many problems.  My activity there will be greatly decreased.  I'm hoping by not getting sucked in there and displaying my life for all to have free pot shots at will improve my mindset.


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