Pink eye...

On Saturday, December 29th, we were supposed to go to Omaha for my family's extended family Christmas with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.  But when we woke up that morning....Grace had pink eye!

She came in our bedroom at about 8am and said she had a lot of eye boogers.  I thought, "Uh, oh."  I looked at all the mat on her eyes and then she opened her left eye and it was definitely all pink!  Luckily, all we needed was a call to the doctor and they were able to prescribe the drops over the phone so we didn't have to actually go in and could just pick up the drops at the pharmacy!

While I picked up the eye drops, I exchanged one of Kyler's presents since he had doubles.  We got him this inflatable toy/ball pit and the kids LOVE IT!  Here they are being little weirdos sticking their faces through the holes.  Sad we missed the party but glad that's all Grace got for sickness.  And glad that thanks to her great hand washing and sanitizing skills that no one else got pink eye....this time!


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