So I have been wanting a nice, DSLR camera for a long time! Like, since Grace was born! I've always felt bad that I didn't have great pictures of my kids. Like, good quality. Sure, those grainy things work, but I wanted something a little higher quality!
After a LOT of research, I finally settled on a Canon Rebel! I really like it and am enjoying learning about it! Right now I'm mostly on the auto settings and am just using a kit lens, but even with that, it's unreal the difference! I plan on learning a little more about it and how to do more manual shooting later on with a higher quality lens, but for now, I'm definitely enjoying taking pictures!
There were two main things I wanted from a camera, other than just overall better quality pictures. The first is the ability to shoot something up close and not have it be all blurry. I wanted to be able to capture details up close. I know it's not an interesting subject, but here is an up close picture of Kyler's peas for lunch one day.... :)
And I have always LOVED photos where the main subject is clear with everything else blurred out. And I did it!
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