Height: 36 inches--88th percentile
Weight: 33lbs 15 oz--98th percentile
Head: 20 1/8 inches--95th percentile
BMI: 18.42--85-90th percentile
The questionnaire asked me the following about Kyler, all of which were a resounding yes:
Does he feed himself well?
Does he use a fork/spoon?
Walk up and down stairs with support?
Jump up?
Kick a ball forward?
Throw a ball overhand?
Scribble spontaneously?
Stack 4-6 blocks?
Enjoy imitating adults?
Remove a piece of clothing?
Attempt to put clothing on?
And he got his lead and cholesterol tested and both are good! They also do another questionnaire that screens for speech and hearing and autism, all of which are of no concern! (Not that I was worried or thought that.)
Kyler, you are so funny! But you are also kind of a wuss. :) Every single time you bump your head or pinch a finger you have to bring it to me and I give it a kiss. Then you are fine, but not until then. I think you think I have magic kisses or something. And you STILL love to swaddle, cuddle, and rock! So weird for a two year old boy! Every day before your nap and bedtime Mommy has to swaddle and rock you for a bit! I'm sure I will cherish your cuddles for many years to come!
You take one afternoon nap from about 1:30-4:00 and you still get up one time in the night. All you need is a little comfort (I think you are still having nightmares) and then you're good.
You copy your sister and pretty much everything she says. You are talking SO MUCH! Not all of it is clear but I can usually figure out what you're saying. You love to say, "Watch me, Mama!" and, "I did it, Mama!" When you say things like that it totally melts my heart.
You are also very possessive. You love your blankie and Grace is not allowed to touch it. If you both are sitting on my lap you will not even let it touch her foot. :) You also have "your spot" on the couch and get really irritated if Grace sits there. You kind of remind me of a grumpy old man in your routine! :) You try to take Grace's toys and you don't care for sharing. You are definitely the baby of this family and you definitely act like it!
You are so funny and sweet and wonderful! You are such a loving little boy! But a boy you are! You love to climb up on things and be very physical. You're almost too much for me to handle anymore! But you still love putting on Grace's dress shoes and her pink flip flops and carry purses around. But you also love to carry your football around, so I guess it counter balances all the girly stuff.
Kyler, you are so awesome! I am so glad I have you to call my little guy and I have so much fun with you! You are a handful of energy, fun, and sweetness all rolled into one!
Kyler Newborn picture
Kyler one year old
Kyler two years old