Emma is 4 months!

Sweet baby Emma is ALREADY four months old!  It's just going way, way, way, way, way too fast!  It makes me sad!

She had her appointment yesterday and she's definitely my chunky monkey, which is what I already knew!  She's by far my biggest baby at this age, which again, no shock to me!

Height: 25.5 inches--87th percentile
Weight:  18 lbs 6 oz--97th percentile
Head:  17.5 inches--off the charts--above 97th percentile

She's also meeting all the requirements the doctor checks at this age, including holding head at 90 degrees when on tummy, having stable head control while sitting up, rolling over tummy to back (which she's been doing consistently since 3 weeks old), laughing, smiling, cooing, verbalizing, and reaching for things.

Emma also is able to roll back to tummy but has yet to roll around the house.  I'm sure it won't be too long before that happens though and we have a nice, new baby gate read to go for her!

Emma, my dear, you are growing up so fast!  You've been reaching out and grabbing at things for awhile now and you now only want your mama!  I kind of love it since I know I'm the only one you want to hold you anymore and it's kind of nice but breaks are also good.  You love your siblings so, so much and they love you too!  I think Kyler is your favorite though, simply because he is home with you all day but you definitely think your sister is pretty great too!  You just seem so much older than 4 months, partly because of what a big girl you are and partly because you can do so much that most 4 month old babies just can't do yet!  You've loved sitting up in the bumbo for quite some time and have been in the rainforest jumparoo for several weeks already too!  You've started sitting at the dinner table with us at meals in your high chair and I think you like being included and sitting up with us.  I am holding off on solids, mainly because you don't need them yet.  The doctor agreed and said there is really no need yet since you are growing like a weed with just mommy's milk.  I love you so infinitely much and you are just the sweetest thing I have ever laid eyes on!  Now if you would sleep through the night....and in your crib or pack and play.....:)

My big chunk!


Love these three!


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