Five years in review: Grace

We finally had Grace's 5 year/Kindergarten doctor appointment last week so now we know her stats!

At five years old Grace is as follows:

Height:  44 5/8"--84th percentile
Weight:  42.8 lbs--68th percentile
BMI:  15.19--50th percentile
Blood pressure:  108/62
Pulse:  104

Grace also passed her hearing and vision tests with no hiccups and can do everything they ask if she can do!

Grace continues to show us how incredibly smart she is.  She's very spunky and can have such an attitude at times.  But she is also incredibly sweet.  She can be the most loving, caring, and helpful little girl ever!

And now she's starting to pick a style all her own.  She's starting to care more about her clothes and appearance!

Grace still loves animals just as much as ever and loves getting to ride real ponies!

And she's excited (and a little nervous too!) to be starting Kindergarten in the fall!  Class of 2026!!!

Grace, you are ever so challenging but also incredibly wonderful!  You definitely have a heart for Jesus and have learned so much this past year about Him and the Bible.  It's amazing to see the tenderness your heart has for him and how you yearn for Him in your life.  We are so proud of you and we can't wait to see you grow and learn even more this next year.  You have come leaps and bounds from where you were at when you were four.  You are much more outgoing and friendly to other people you don't know and you are kind are share with strangers.  I love you so much and want you to know that you are so amazing!


1 year

2 years

3 years

4 years

5 years


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