I am way behind in blogging!
Kyler turned one last Thursday, March 22nd! I can't believe how quickly the year flew by for me. Okay, I can, but it just doesn't seem fair!
The following picture was taken ON Kyler's 1st birthday. I have a similar picture of Grace ON her first birthday.
And this picture was as well. It just makes me smile. Something about the way he looks so serious and intent yet is sucking his thumb. :)
And here is Miss Grace loving her little brother. Grandma Green got these shirts for the kids for Valentine's Day.
And now you can just feel him saying--knock off the pictures, Mom!
Kyler's doc appointment was the day after his birthday. He weighed in at 24 lbs 14 oz which put him in the 92nd percentile for weight.
He was 29 1/2 inches tall, 37th percentile.
And yet again in the 90-95 percentile for head at 19 inches. :)
These are some of the things the doctor's office questionnaire asks if the one year old is doing. I was able to mark a YES for all of them:
Bang two objects together in hands
Walk (Has been since 10 months)
Put objects inside other objects
Wave bye bye
Two words
Jabber with inflections of normal speech
Follow simple directions
Point to things
Climb stairs
Imitate combing hair
Kyler loves to pretend to comb hair. I don't know that pretending is the word since he actually takes a brush or comb and tries to do it to someone's hair. :)
And Kyler has decided that he is a dog. He tries to lay on the floor like one. For example, while looking at Mack laying on the floor, he will lay on his tummy and then try to roll his hips over so his bottom half is rotated out. If you have a dog, you probably know what I'm talking about. :)
He also thinks it's funny to just pick up food off his tray with his mouth instead of using his hands, like a dog. And puzzles.....same thing. He tries to put the pieces in those wood block puzzles with his mouth instead of his hands. Oh silly boy!
Kyler, you are such a joy. I'm sad you aren't my baby anymore, but you are such a sweet little boy! I love you more than I ever could have imagined and love having such a nonstop, energetic, happy, funny, smart little boy!
And the last picture here.....Kyler LOVES Grace's bean bag chair. Every time he walks into her room, he goes straight for it and FLOPS himself down into it. Then he usually leans back into it and just chills. :)
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