Emma is ONE, continued...

So we had Emma's birthday party on Saturday, July 11th to celebrate her big day!

I did something totally new this year and made cupcakes instead of a cake and decorated them in the shape of a one.  Not my best work but it worked well enough!

The birthday girl with her cupcake.  She was fine with it but not overly zealous.

Opening presents.

LOVE this shot of my little diva!

And we had Emma's yearly doc appointment yesterday.  Here are her stats:

29 1/4 inches tall--47th percentile
24 pounds 11 oz--96th percentile
Head-19 inches--97th percentile

None of her stats surprise me. :)

She had three shots and a finger poke to check her iron and lead levels and she did awesome!

At one year old, Emma can stand but does not walk yet (thank goodness!).  She is so incredibly smart and sweet and her funny little personality is coming out.  She loves to put something over her head and wait for me to ask, "Where's Emmie?"  And then she'll pull it off and wait for the "Peekaboo!"  Emma is so fun to be around.  She doesn't have much stranger anxiety but also doesn't usually give out her smiles for free.  She says words but not too often, probably because she doesn't get the chance too often!

Emma likes to point to Mack and say, "Ma,"  She enjoys looking at animals and birds.  

And Emma is absolutely, by far the best hugger around.  She cuddles up really close, wraps her chubby little baby arms around your neck, and then will proceed to pat your back while giving you a good, long squeeze!  She is one of the cuddliest babies I've ever seen!  

Emma, I love you so, so, SO much!  Impossible to put it into words!

Emma's 1!!!

Emma turned one already.  Not quite sure how that happened, but it made me sad!  I hate seeing her grow up so quickly and not stay my little baby forever.

We went on her actual birthday to have her first birthday pictures taken.  They turned out so stinking good!  Here are some of my favorites...

Grace is 7!

Okay, catching up....again!  I get so behind!

Grace turned 7 on the 20th of May and finished up her 1st grade year on the 21st!

She is growing up so fast!

Due to us moving the next weekend and how crazy busy the end of May was for us, we had her birthday party the weekend before at Pioneer's Park.  It turned out to be a beautiful day!

We just had her 7 year well check yesterday and here are her stats:

50 inches tall--79th percentile
54 pounds--61st percentile
BMI-15.07--25th percentile

She looks great and no concerns!

Grace finished up her first grade year and did great.  She is extremely intelligent and towards the top of her class.  She has also become quite an athlete as far as running goes.  Grace really enjoys legos, drawing, and listening to top 40 on the radio. :)